Use of Corticosteroids in Oral and Maxillofacial Disorders-2nd Edition

Use of Corticosteroids in Oral and Maxillofacial Disorders-2nd Edition

About Book

Steroids are considered as the drug of choice to treat various disorders affecting the oral and maxillofacial region. In oral and maxillofacial health profession, they are primarily used to manage post-operative edema; autoimmune diseases; precancerous conditions; mucocutaneous disorders; vesiculo-bullous lesions; temporo-mandibular joint disorders and oral inflammatory diseases for e.g. lichen planus, pemphigus vulgaris, oral sub mucous fibrosis, erythema multiforme, RAS etc. The long term usage of corticosteroids leads to peptic ulcers, hypertension, muscle atrophy, osteoporosis, and osteonecrosis. Hence, the clinician should have a complete knowledge about the actions, uses and adverse effects of steroids to render efficient care for the patients in need. Future for the complete relief and cure of oral mucosal lesions with the use of steroids seems feasible but for now, to deal with the current available steroids which are effective but not definitive. Current researches are going on in order to direct them in finding substitutes for general corticosteroid therapy which will subsequently lower the rates of morbidity.


